Healthy lunch break - Vegan lunchboxes to go

Eating a healthy plant-based diet at home is quite feasible for most vegans. But on the road, at work or at university/school, it gets a little trickier. Although many supermarkets and restaurants/snack bars now offer a selection for the vegan lunch break, you can't or don't want to afford that every day. And if you want to know what exactly goes Into your food, then do-it-yourself has a clear advantage. Eating whole-food plant-based meals away from home is easier than you think. For beginners and for people who already live vegan alike, we have compiled some information and ideas for a healthy lunch break.
Difference between vegetarian and vegan
For all newcomers to the topic of veganism, it is first important to know to what extent vegans differ from vegetarians. Vegetarians abstain from meat, either for ethical and moral reasons or for health and ecological reasons. Vegans reject any form of consumption of animal products. This includes not only the renunciation of yogurt, cheese and Co., but also the renunciation of wool, leather, silk and down. Further, cosmetics or cleaning agents are a No-Go, if they contain animal materials or the compatibility in the animal test were tested. Vegans also reject animal products for ethical and moral reasons, as well as for health and environmental reasons.
What is suitable for a vegan diet?
Since vegan cuisine completely renounces animal products, you should pay attention to a balanced composition of your menu so that you do not get any deficiency symptoms. Only vitamin B12 should be supplemented with a preparation, but otherwise vegan nutrition is considered very healthy and harmless. Which foods are fundamentally suitable for vegans? Suitable for vegan nutrition are: - Fruits, vegetables, salads and potatoes - Cereals and rice (best in the whole grain variety because of the nutrients) - Mushrooms - Legumes and nuts - Vegetable fats and oils Many foods are naturally vegan or can be easily substituted. Instead of honey, you can use maple syrup or agave syrup, or instead of butter you can use vegan margarine. Meanwhile, you can also easily get plant milk, vegan yogurt, cheese and meat substitutes in almost every supermarket or discount store. What do these alternatives consist of? Vegan cheese is mostly made from nuts. Meat substitutes are often made from soy or pea protein. Tofu, seitan and tempeh are other popular plant-based protein sources. However, it is generally better to enjoy highly processed foods only in moderation.
Ideas for the vegan lunch break on the road
As mentioned at the beginning, most people find it easy to prepare vegan food at home. But what do you eat for lunch away from home? Of course, it depends on whether you have the possibility to heat up something. Otherwise, you have to resort to cold meals and snacks, or the dishes in insulated containers. That's why we at ECO Brotbox have put together a few ideas for you, from cold to hot, that you can prepare quickly and easily for your lunch break at the office, university or wherever.
Light Smoothies & cold or warm soups
Smoothies are true nutrient bombs and can be quickly prepared in the morning for lunch. Well suited as lunch are especially green smoothies. With ingredients like cucumbers or leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and kale. You can also mix in different types of fruit. Preferably in a ratio of 60 percent vegetables and 40 percent fruit, so as not to overload your digestion. Cold soups like a cucumber soup or a delicious gazpacho are also great to take along. If you prefer to get something warm in your belly at lunchtime, you can take delicious pumpkin or potato soup with coconut milk or creamy vegetable soup. Whether cold or hot in the insulated bottles and insulated containers made of environmentally friendly stainless-steel from ECO Brotbox, your lunch will stay at a comfortable temperature for up to 8 hours.
Delicious vegan muffins
Muffins are a super meal on the go. Small, handy, clean to eat out of hand and of course also super delicious in vegan savory variants. On the net you can find countless tasty recipe ideas for the vegan lunch break. There are no limits to the imagination: Filled with tomato-arugula-peanut, spicy vegetables, zucchini, carrots or as pizza muffins. There is certainly for every taste, the right preparation. You can then easily take along your vegan muffin creation in our practical lunchboxes and keep them fresh.
A variety of vegan sandwiches
Don't worry, vegan sandwiches are not just about salad. Here, too, there are great combination possibilities and almost nothing that does not exist. As a basis is best suited a whole grain bread. It fills you up, provides fiber and important vital substances such as magnesium, iron and zinc. You can spice up and enjoy your healthy sandwich with various homemade or purchased vegan spreads. Try chickpea hummus, avocado or lentil spread refined with curry or a vegan liver sausage alternative topped with pickles. You can always pack an extra serving of radishes, cucumber or lettuce to go with it. The whole thing stays fresh from morning to lunchtime in a sustainable stainless-steel sandwich container from ECO Brotbox.
Vegan salad variations
Salads are a tasty alternative to a hot lunch. In general, salads of all kinds are a wonderful companion to take to work. Whether it's Italian pasta salad with pine nuts and soft sun-dried tomatoes, colorful chickpea salad, couscous salad with roasted vegetables, or mixed green salad with roasted mushrooms. Basically, you can take a different salad to the office, college or school every day of the week. It's best to pack the dressing separately, so the salad stays perfectly fresh until you serve it. You can transport your salads sustainably in our leak-proof stainless-steel lunchboxes.
Conclusion: As you see a vegan lunch break does not have to be boring and you can prepare great dishes wonderfully at home. On the Internet you can easily find delicious vegan recipes for the lunch break. With our useful and sustainable stainless-steel containers, transport and keeping cold or warm is also no problem.